tHeKOPrAntS@12:49 AM
sucks whenever I hafta come up wif da work schedule for da next mth..since my job currently is 24/7 type, da 4 platoons hafta rotate to take different every month da platoon commanders & platoon sergeants will come tgt to make a schedule dat everyone will agree with..juz imagine how hard dat is..everyone fighting for their own platoon..trying to get more wkends if dat's isn't bad enuff..due to last min activities added in for da NDP GOH..we had to redo da schedule again today..great..after taking hours just to come up with one schedule dat everyone will agree my schedule is all screwed up..n those 11th mono who's gonna ORD soon hafta replan their leave once doesn't realli matter to me since it's nt me who hafta stand at da gates for 4 hrs straight..checking cars n passes over n over again..but hey..spare a thought for them from 2 free wkends my platoon gotta go back for all da wkends on either Saturday or Sunday..wonder wat's gonna be their reaction on Monday when i show them da new schedule..anyway maybe i ought to be nt so soft-hearted as a pc..instead of confinement for 4 of the men i changed it to 6 hrs of extra duty so dat they could serve n book out immediately after they were done..juz because one of them said "sir..isit possible for us to serve our confinement another time coz we have been looking forward to this long wkend for quite some time.." well..juz hope my specs didnt mind me changing their punishment..dis will be da last time i guess..gotta be more firm wif them man..btw it's quite a pleasure to work wif my 4 specs as they're pretty reliable n fun i guess i wun haf dat much of a problem during my next 10mths there..haha..oh yes..1 year of NS completed..soon i'll be lyk my upperstudy going ard saying..ORD LO! 10 more mthsSaturday, April 08, 2006